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Natural resources management

Design and consolidation of financial mechanisms for water conservation

Objective of the course

Strengthen the capacities and technical skills of the participants in the design and implementation of a Water Fund, considering the key elements to ensure its sustainability.


Modality: virtual, 4 modules
Duration: 12 weeks
Dedication: 10 hours per module
Each module includes reading material, evaluation questionnaires, virtual meetings with the different tutors and an assignment at the end of the module


Module 0
Introduction to the virtual campus.
Module 1
Water Funds and their contribution to Water Resource Governance.
Module 2
Feasibility of a Water Fund
Module 3
Phases to Create a Water Fund – From Theory to Practice
Module 4
Sustainability of a Water Fund

Participant profile

Officials of watershed councils and water authorities (public and private).
Officials of Water Funds, Water Operators and Drinking Water Regulators.
Officials of Water Boards and other water users.
The course is aimed at professionals in Latin American countries.


Water Funds – In partnership with AQUANATURE

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